An intensive program to work with individuals to tackle debt, improve credit scores and meet lender requirements in a concentrated time period, such as applying for a home loan. A credit coach is assigned to you until you complete your target goals. (See Client and Counselor Roles and Responsibilities – Program Disclosure Form, Action Plan Target Goals)
This program is suitable for individuals working to clear up credit problems in preparation for the possible extension of credit by a lender. (YSF does not guarantee an extension of credit by a lender, nor is it an offer to extend credit).
Services include:
- Action Plan
- Tri-merge Credit Report
- Credit Expert simulations and analysis
- Audited budget and customized saving/spending plan
- Targeted debt reduction strategy/debt-Free coaching
Counseling/Educational Coaching sessions covering:
- Establishing an Emergency Home Fund
- Understanding Your Credit Report and FICO Scores
- Using Time Value of Money
- Power of Interest